英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 08:09:21
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1. They seem to be obsessed by profit, not realizing that loss of jobs and pay cuts can make or break a deal.

be obsessed by

1. Because the love that I unloaded armed, not when the shepherd children 2: Temperature of precious stones is not only a temperature of the heart 3: true love can not be cut, because the love is the middle of stars heart, eager, who died 4: Somnus is poppy Latin name, the beautiful but deadly, once obsessed by the beginning will be very happy, but will pay a painful price, this is it not a bit like the nature of love 5, Zhong Tian qi: in the car market, who has his kind to the goddess lucky, you willing to be my lucky goddess?
希望大家关注一下,帮忙翻译《放羊的星星》中的语句因为爱,我才卸下武装,不再当放羊的小孩 2:宝石是没有温度的,只有人的心有温度 3:真正的爱是不能被切割的,因为爱的中间是颗心,心切了,人就死了 4:Somnus是罂粟花拉丁学名,美丽却致命,一旦迷上了一开始会很快乐,后来就会付出惨痛的代价,这不正是有点像爱情的本质 5、仲天骐:在赛车场上,谁都有他的幸运女神眷顾,你愿意当我的幸运女神吗?

2. be obsessed by

2. Think about sth constantly; be obsessed by sth

3. be obsessed by什么意思

3. If you are obsessed by what other people think, then you will be imprisoned by their thoughts.

4. Don't be obsessed by it.

5. You could not allow yourself to be obsessed by one subject because if you did, your marks in the other subjects would suffer.

6. be obsessed by

6. Be consumed by past joys obsessed with gratitude.

7. Rejected to be obsessed by material burden, he spent his whole life pursuing his real needs and pursuits.

8. Do your best to improve yourself but don't be obsessed by it.

9. The person against whom thou shalt pronounce it shall be obsessed by Demons.

10. be obsessed by是什么意思

10. Be consumed by past joys and obsessed with gratitude.

11. A fickle lover love affairs love sick be obsessed by court get dumped unworthy of your love love at first sight feel attracted to sb. be spell bound for fall in love with sb. adore have a crush on sb. fall head over heels in love love triangle be jealous of split up/break up happy ending love make up/reunion feel at home with sb.
有安全感跟他/她在一起很对人忠诚水性扬花的情人绯闻相思病对……着迷奉承,追求被甩不值得付出爱的一见钟情被……吸引着迷爱上某人爱慕迷恋某人神魂颠倒三角恋嫉妒分手圆满结局的爱情言归于好 47 第五单元第一部分核心语汇第一节 accept Basic need 音形义

If you are obsessed by what other people think, then you will be imprisoned by their thoughts.(如果你被他人的想法困扰,那么你将被他们的思想所禁锢。)
My philosophy is, be aware of it, manage it, but don't get obsessed by it-that's not doing myself or family any good.(我的理财哲学是:了解现状,好好管理,但不沉迷其中,不然对我自己和家人都没有任何好处。)
When an obsessed would-be lover commits suicide, Mara (Veit) is transformed by a guilt that reduces her to a barefoot penitent trekking dirty and homeless toward a hazy goal.(当一个痴迷想成为恋人自杀,玛拉(维特)由内疚,赤足去耶路撒冷减少她赤脚忏悔徒步肮脏和无家可归对朦胧的目标转变。)
Basically you become obsessed with the subject and hope that if only a small fraction of it sticks, that will still be more than you could have learned by any other method.(基本上你沉溺于此,并且认为哪怕学到它的细枝末叶,也比用其他方法学到的多。)
Do you know how men can be so obsessed by love that they are deaf and blind to everything else in the world?(你知道不知道,一个人要是坠入情网,就可能对世界上一切事物都听而不闻、视而不见了?)
Don't be obsessed by such small things.(别为这种小事犯愁。)
They're obsessed with constantly climbing, and are often so blinded by short-term goals that they can be indifferent to how the world might be crumbling around them.(他们一心要奋斗不息,同时又常常为短浅的目标所蔽,以致对周围世界的巨变不屑一顾。)
By now an idea obsessed him: that directed radio waves could be used to heat and destroy cancer cells.(一个念头一直缠绕在他的脑海里:导控无线电波也许可以用来加热并破坏癌细胞。)
But something seemed to be missing. We were always picking between meals, always obsessed by food.(有些东西失去了,我们在肉类中挑来挑去,被食物困扰。)
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